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Sarah Weiner


Some people who are passion­ate about food become chefs. Some become culi­nary design­ers. Others, politi­cians. Sarah Wiener is one of the few to do all three of those things. 

Born in 1962 and raised in Vienna, Wiener worked her way up restau­rants’ back-of-house before opening her own in Berlin in 1999. Ten years later, count­less spots across the city bore her imprint, includ­ing the restau­rants for the German Museum of Tech­nol­ogy, the Academy of the Arts, the Museum for Commu­ni­ca­tion, and Futurim — not to mention Stuttgart’s Mercedes-Benz Museum. Her celebrity status skyrock­eted when, in 2007, she launched cooking shows on the Euro­pean tv network Arte and Austria public broadcaster ORF.

That same year, she initi­ated a non-profit foun­da­tion dedi­cated to encour­ag­ing healthy eating, a prin­ci­pal she brought with her upon winning elec­tion in 2019 to the Euro­pean Parlia­ment, where she serves as a member of the Commit­tee on Agri­cul­ture and Rural Devel­op­ment. In 2013, she was awarded a member­ship in the Cheva­lier of the Order national du Mérite. Recog­niz­ing the tools one uses is as impor­tant as the ingre­di­ents, Wiener has part­nered with Germany’s iconic Pott for a collec­tion of hand­made knives, manu­fac­tured by Mono.

Designs by Sarah Weiner (8)