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Welcome to Cooks & Poets 

The kitchen has always been a refuge. I fell in love with baking when I was nine and found myself working inside a private kitchen in LA, serving Holly­wood execs my blue­berry pies by the time I was nine­teen. But the film indus­try’s allure was strong, and I ulti­mately chose that path which set forth a career and trajec­tory that some would say was too good to be true. However, in last couple years I pivoted and returned to school to study writing, and emerged back into my kitchen, as a labor of love. 

The concept for Cooks & Poets was born in early 2020, just before the pandemic and the passing of my Papa, all converg­ing at the same time. I had no choice but to pour my heart into this idea to get through it. I began to concept, build and shoot Cooks & Poets, while watch­ing the world and my own, unravel. I did what I know best, create something.

I keep my own kitchen minimal, surrounded by tools and pieces that I have collected along the way — using cutlery designed by world-renowned archi­tects, porce­lain on perma­nent display at MoMA, and heir­loom tools, not because they look pretty, even though good design is nice to look at, but because they are func­tional and made to last for gener­a­tions to come. In that way, they have envi­ron­men­tal sympathy.

This is my ode to our planet.