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Corin Mellor

United Kingdom

Corin Mellor, born in Sheffield in 1966, is the son of renowned designer-silver­smith David Mellor CBE and cultural histo­rian Fiona MacCarthy OBE. Trained as a product designer at Kingston Univer­sity, Corin embarked on a career that seam­lessly blended crafts­man­ship with archi­tec­tural finesse. Joining his father’s company, David Mellor Design, Corin quickly made his mark as a designer-crafts­man. In 2006, he assumed the role of Creative Direc­tor, taking the helm of the family busi­ness and expand­ing its repertoire.

Build­ing on his father’s legacy, Corin has intro­duced new ranges of cutlery, kitchen knives, and fine bone china table­ware. Drawing on his archi­tec­tural back­ground, he has also designed the inte­ri­ors of the David Mellor Design Museum and Café in Derbyshire, as well as the flag­ship store in Maryle­bone. Beyond his work at David Mellor Design, Corin has under­taken signif­i­cant public and private design commis­sions, includ­ing eccle­si­as­ti­cal silver for Sheffield Cathe­dral and a ster­ling silver collec­tion for a Middle Eastern Royal Family.

Corin’s dedi­ca­tion to design excel­lence extends beyond his profes­sional endeav­ors. He resides in Derbyshire with his wife, photog­ra­pher, and art direc­tor Helen Mellor, where they find inspi­ra­tion amidst the vibrant atmos­phere of the Design Museum and factory.

Designs by Corin Mellor (11)