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Bread is Gold

c. 2017

Massimo bottura bread is gold 3

Bread is Gold by Massimo Bottura is a revo­lu­tion­ary cook­book that rede­fines the way we think about food waste and sustain­abil­ity. Renowned as one of the world’s best chefs, Bottura brings together 45 top culi­nary talents — includ­ing Daniel Humm, René Redzepi, Alain Ducasse, and Ferran Adrià — to create over 150 inspir­ing recipes from ordi­nary or wasted” ingre­di­ents. These recipes, designed to trans­form over­looked every­day items into extra­or­di­nary three-course meals, prove that great cuisine is acces­si­ble to every­one, regard­less of budget.

Bottura’s approach is both prac­ti­cal and philo­soph­i­cal, aiming to inspire home cooks to reimag­ine what’s possi­ble in the kitchen while address­ing global food waste. As Bottura himself says, To feed the planet, first you have to fight the waste.” From simple, econom­i­cal dishes to more inno­v­a­tive creations, Bread is Gold offers a wealth of ideas for eating well while living more sustainably.

A ground­break­ing and essen­tial resource, this cook­book is perfect for anyone looking to embrace a more thought­ful and deli­cious way of cooking, proving that extra­or­di­nary meals can be made from even the humblest ingredients.

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