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Sebastian Herkner


Sebas­t­ian Herkner, born in 1981, is a German designer known for seam­lessly merging cultural influ­ences, cutting-edge tech­nol­ogy, and tradi­tional crafts­man­ship. He studied product design at Offen­bach Univer­sity of Art and Design, where he devel­oped a deep appre­ci­a­tion for mate­ri­als, textures, and colors — skills further honed during his time working with fashion designer Stella McCart­ney in London.

Since found­ing his studio in Offen­bach am Main in 2006, Herkner has collab­o­rated with renowned brands such as Clas­si­Con, e15, Moroso, &Tradition, La Chance, and Rosen­thal. His work spans furni­ture, light­ing, and inte­rior design, often rein­ter­pret­ing mate­ri­als and forms with a fresh perspec­tive. A lecturer at Offen­bach Univer­sity, Herkner has received numer­ous acco­lades, includ­ing the Newcomer Award at the 2011 German Design Awards. His inno­v­a­tive approach contin­ues to shape contem­po­rary design with a refined blend of tradi­tion and modernity.

Designs by Sebastian Herkner (0)

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