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Richard Herre


Richard Herre, a Stuttgart-based archi­tect, inte­rior designer, and graphic artist, was a key figure in the New Objec­tiv­ity move­ment of the 1920s. Though his contri­bu­tions were long over­looked, his influ­ence in modernist design has recently been rediscovered.

Herre’s work extended beyond archi­tec­ture to encom­pass furni­ture, light­ing, textiles, and graphic design. He is partic­u­larly known for his iconic motif for the 1924 Werk­bund exhi­bi­tion Die Form, as well as his strik­ingly modern inte­ri­ors, which balanced struc­tured design with unexpected color.

With the reissue of his designs, includ­ing the Stuttgart chair and the Zet kilim, Herre’s vision can once again be appre­ci­ated. His work repre­sents a vital yet nearly forgot­ten chapter of modernism — one that seam­lessly blends preci­sion, func­tion­al­ity, and artistic expression.

Designs by Richard Herre (0)

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