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Raf Simons


Raf Simons is a vision­ary Belgian designer whose influ­ence spans both fashion and textile design. Orig­i­nally trained in indus­trial and furni­ture design in Genk, Simons pivoted to fashion after an intern­ship with Walter Van Beiren­donck. He launched his epony­mous menswear label in 1995, revo­lu­tion­iz­ing men’s fashion with razor-sharp tailor­ing and youth-inspired aesthet­ics. His fear­less approach has shaped the indus­try, from his provoca­tive collec­tions at Raf Simons to his trans­for­ma­tive roles at Jil Sander, Dior, Calvin Klein, and Prada, where he currently serves as co-creative director.

In 2014, Simons began an ongoing collab­o­ra­tion with Kvadrat, apply­ing the Danish textile master’s fabrics to his Calvin Klein collec­tions before expand­ing into home textiles. The part­ner­ship merges Simons’ refined mini­mal­ism with Kvadrat’s crafts­man­ship, produc­ing fabrics that bridge fashion and inte­rior design. With his distinct blend of subver­sion and sophis­ti­ca­tion, Simons contin­ues to push bound­aries across disci­plines, leaving an indeli­ble mark on contemporary design.

Designs by Raf Simons (1)