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Philippe Allaeys


Belgian-born Philippe Allaeys is an archi­tect, furni­ture designer, and creative direc­tor known for his refined approach to mate­r­ial-driven, mini­mal­ist design. He began his career as a free­lance archi­tect, working across resi­den­tial, corpo­rate, retail, and hospi­tal­ity projects before shift­ing his focus to furniture.

In the 1980s, Allaeys founded the ZO Group, a creative company dedi­cated to furni­ture design, followed by the estab­lish­ment of APHA Furni­ture in 1992, where he contin­ues to serve as creative direc­tor. His work empha­sizes the natural prop­er­ties of mate­ri­als, partic­u­larly wood, result­ing in thought­fully crafted pieces. For e15, he has designed several notable works, includ­ing the NOAH bed, THEO tray, and the ALEX and LEILA side tables.

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