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Mark Holmes

United Kingdom

Mark Holmes, born in North­ern England in 1970, is a designer and artist known for his refined and func­tional aesthetic. He earned a 1st class degree in paint­ing and an MA from The Slade School of Art in London in 1994. Initially working within London’s contem­po­rary art scene, Holmes grad­u­ally tran­si­tioned into design, blend­ing artis­tic expres­sion with functionality.

In 2003, he co-founded The Lane, a multi­dis­ci­pli­nary design and manu­fac­tur­ing company, and in 2005, he became a found­ing member of Estab­lished & Sons, where he collab­o­rated with renowned design­ers such as Jasper Morri­son and Jaime Hayon. His LT01 and LT02 Seam Lights for e15 won both Red Dot and IF Design Awards, cement­ing his repu­ta­tion in modern design. In 2009, Holmes launched MINI­MALUX, a brand dedi­cated to preci­sion-crafted vessels and objects, reflect­ing his contin­u­ous evolu­tion in design, blend­ing artis­tic vision with timeless practicality.

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