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Jörg Schellmann


Jörg Schell­mann, born in 1944, is a German furni­ture designer and renowned art publisher. In 1969, he founded his first gallery in Munich with a mission to make contem­po­rary art acces­si­ble. His publish­ing house, Schell­mann Art, became a plat­form for iconic artists such as Keith Haring, Jenny Holzer, Cindy Sherman, and Andy Warhol, helping to elevate their work to a wider audience.

In 2008, Schell­mann expanded his creative vision into furni­ture design, devel­op­ing his own line while also show­cas­ing the work of other design­ers. His approach is deeply influ­enced by indus­trial and commer­cial aesthet­ics, often high­light­ing construc­tion elements and embrac­ing simplic­ity. Through his work, Schell­mann seam­lessly bridges the worlds of fine art and functional design.

Designs by Jörg Schellmann (0)

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