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Jonas Wagell


Jonas Wagell is a Swedish archi­tect and designer known for his func­tional, intel­li­gent, and elegantly simple creations. Born in 1973, he initially trained as a graphic artist before special­iz­ing in inte­rior design, study­ing in Stock­holm and at Parsons School of Design in New York.

In 2008, he founded JWDA, a multi­dis­ci­pli­nary studio handling archi­tec­ture, product design, and brand manage­ment. His most recog­nized work, the prefab­ri­cated Mini House, earned him a spot on Wall­pa­per magazine’s list of fifty young archi­tects to watch.

Today, JWDA focuses primar­ily on product design, collab­o­rat­ing with leading Scan­di­na­vian and inter­na­tional brands to create time­less, user-friendly objects that blend form and function seamlessly.

Designs by Jonas Wagell (0)

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