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Jonas Lutz


onas Lutz is a Finnish-born designer known for his bold simplic­ity and playful aesthetic. Based in Rotter­dam, the Nether­lands, Lutz draws inspi­ra­tion from his surround­ings, blend­ing Scan­di­na­vian crafts­man­ship with contem­po­rary Euro­pean design influences.

Educated at the Carl Malm­sten Furni­ture School in Stock­holm and the Design Academy Eind­hoven, Lutz approaches design with a sculptor’s sensi­bil­ity, allow­ing the inher­ent qual­i­ties of mate­ri­als to guide his process. His work balances subtlety and strength, creat­ing objects that are both invit­ing and functional.

Lutz collab­o­rates with a range of manu­fac­tur­ers, includ­ing La Chance, e15, and fashion label Isabel Marant, craft­ing time­less pieces that cele­brate mate­ri­al­ity and refined form.

Designs by Jonas Lutz (0)

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