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Johan Lindsten


Johan Lind­stén, born in the heart of Möbel­riket, Sweden’s renowned furni­ture capital, devel­oped an early passion for design. After complet­ing his studies in furni­ture design in Stock­holm, he founded his inde­pen­dent studio, Johan Lind­stén Form, with a mission to infuse indus­trial prod­ucts with person­al­ity and emotion.

His work spans furni­ture, light­ing, and acces­sories, each piece reflect­ing a human touch and an inno­v­a­tive perspec­tive. Lindstén’s designs, such as the Embroi­dery Chair, cele­brate nature while adding beauty and joy to every­day surround­ings. Through metic­u­lous atten­tion to detail, he trans­forms func­tional objects into mean­ing­ful, expressive works.

Lind­stén Form collab­o­rates with leading design brands, includ­ing Cappellini, Johan­son, Roche Bobois, FontanaArte, and Gärsnäs, solid­i­fy­ing his repu­ta­tion for creat­ing objects that elevate both spaces and moods.

Designs by Johan Lindsten (0)

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