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Hans de Pelsmacker


Hans De Pels­macker (born 1960, Ghent) is a sculp­tor and designer whose work seam­lessly blends art, func­tion, and envi­ron­ment. Initially focused on monu­men­tal steel sculp­tures, his prac­tice evolved towards spatial design, where the rela­tion­ship between form and its surround­ings became central.

Since 2000, De Pels­macker has expanded into furni­ture and light­ing design, drawing from his sculp­tural back­ground to create pieces that have garnered inter­na­tional recog­ni­tion. His public space commis­sions occupy the hybrid zone between sculp­ture and func­tional objects, inte­grat­ing art within archi­tec­tural contexts. In recent years, he has embraced new mate­ri­als and tech­niques, collab­o­rat­ing with Czech glass studios, ceramic ateliers, and textile manu­fac­tur­ers to create furni­ture, bronze and glass objects, carpets, and graphic works. This inter­dis­ci­pli­nary approach reflects his ongoing explo­ration of form, mate­ri­al­ity, and artis­tic inte­gra­tion within everyday

Designs by Hans de Pelsmacker (0)

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