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Faye Toogood

United Kingdom

Faye Toogood is a British artist and designer whose multi­dis­ci­pli­nary work spans sculp­ture, furni­ture, and fashion. Her distinc­tive approach blends mate­r­ial exper­i­men­ta­tion with a sculp­tural sensi­bil­ity, result­ing in pieces that chal­lenge tradi­tional bound­aries between art and design.

Her works are part of the perma­nent collec­tions of insti­tu­tions world­wide, includ­ing the Philadel­phia Museum of Art, Dallas Museum of Art, High Museum of Art in Atlanta, Corning Museum of Glass in New York, the National Gallery of Victo­ria in Melbourne, and the Fabergé Museum in St. Peters­burg. Toogood’s creations have been exhib­ited at pres­ti­gious venues such as Phillips de Pury, the Victo­ria & Albert Museum in London, the Trien­nale in Milan, and D Museum in Seoul, solid­i­fy­ing her repu­ta­tion as a leading figure in contemporary design.

Designs by Faye Toogood (10)