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Farah Ebrahimi


Farah Ebrahimi is the Art Direc­tor of e15 and a key member of Philipp Mainzer Office for Archi­tec­ture and Design. Born in Iran, she studied art and fashion at Otis/​Parsons School of Art and Design in Los Angeles, grad­u­at­ing in 1987. Farah’s diverse career spans teach­ing design and working with brands like BCBG Max Azria and DKNY, where she served as Design Direc­tor. After relo­cat­ing to Frank­furt in 2001, she trans­formed Germany’s first concept store, Bergman, into an inno­v­a­tive retail and exhi­bi­tion space. With e15, she has devel­oped award-winning designs, includ­ing the Shiraz and Kerman sofas. In 2017, she and Philipp Mainzer received the Design Award of the Federal Repub­lic of Germany and Inte­rior Inno­va­tion – Gold for their modular designs. An honorary member of the DDC (Deutscher Designer Club), Farah also serves as an advi­sory board member, contin­u­ing to shape modern design.

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