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Fanny Aronsen


Fanny Aronsen was a Swedish textile and product designer known for her luxu­ri­ous and sophis­ti­cated contem­po­rary fabrics. Her work was distin­guished by sump­tu­ous colors, rich textures, and intrigu­ing tactile materials.

Having worked in Paris, Brus­sels, and Amster­dam, Aronsen returned to Sweden in 1998 to estab­lish her own design studio. Along­side her creative prac­tice, she was a profes­sor of textile design at the Univer­sity of Stock­holm, where she lectured at the renowned Konst­fack College of Arts, Crafts, and Design.

Her textiles often reflected Nordic history and culture, yet they were also infused with a sophis­ti­cated mix of global influ­ences. This unique blend of tradi­tion and moder­nity made her designs time­less and widely cele­brated in the world of contemporary textiles.

Designs by Fanny Aronsen (1)