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David Thulstrup


David Thul­strup, founder and creative direc­tor of Studio David Thul­strup, merges his Scan­di­na­vian heritage with a contem­po­rary design language to deliver holis­tic solu­tions in archi­tec­ture, inte­ri­ors, and product design. Grounded in endur­ing Scan­di­na­vian values of honesty and human­ism, David empha­sizes mate­ri­al­ity and creates spaces that are both welcom­ing and func­tional. His approach begins with a deep under­stand­ing of how a space will be used, design­ing it from the inside out by consid­er­ing light, color, form, and mate­ri­als as inte­gral elements. Known for his modern simplic­ity,” David crafts pared-back designs with metic­u­lous atten­tion to detail, curios­ity, and ambi­tion, result­ing in time­less, meaningful environments.

Designs by David Thulstrup (0)

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