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Alain Biltereyst


Alain Biltereyst’s abstract artworks reflect his fasci­na­tion with the visual language of urban land­scapes. Drawing inspi­ra­tion from commer­cial signage, typog­ra­phy, and adver­tis­ing graph­ics, his works focus on pure visual and mate­r­ial expe­ri­ences, free from narrative constraints.

Based in Brus­sels, Biltereyst trans­lates every­day designs — manhole covers, fence patterns, airplane logos — into care­fully composed, small-scale paint­ings on thick panels. His work empha­sizes layer­ing, repe­ti­tion, and recur­ring motifs, distill­ing func­tional design elements into striking compositions.

By isolat­ing and reimag­in­ing these famil­iar visual cues, Biltereyst’s pieces blur the line between fine art and frag­ments of design history. His paint­ings, often presented as series, create a dialogue between histor­i­cal abstrac­tion and the aesthet­ics of daily life, offer­ing a refined tribute to the over­looked beauty of commer­cial and industrial design.

Designs by Alain Biltereyst (0)

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