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Mark Braun

In the vibrant heart of Berlin’s creative scene, Mark Braun has been craft­ing design excel­lence since 2006. His journey as a designer has taken him on an inspir­ing odyssey, shaping iconic projects for renowned compa­nies like Conmoto, hem, Lobmeyr, North­ern, Nomos Glashuette, Thonet, and many more.

Mark’s creative prowess has garnered him numer­ous acco­lades and pres­ti­gious awards, includ­ing the coveted IF Award, Red Dot recog­ni­tion, and the esteemed German Design Award, to name just a few. With an unwa­ver­ing commit­ment to inno­va­tion, his work has consis­tently pushed the bound­aries of design, leaving an indeli­ble mark on the industry.

But Mark Braun’s impact doesn’t stop there. His unique studio editions have graced the walls of renowned galleries around the world, from the chic S. Bensi­mon in Paris to the avant-garde Libby Sellers in London, and beyond. Each piece tells a story, blend­ing artistry and func­tion­al­ity in perfect harmony.

Beyond his studio endeav­ors, Mark Braun is a passion­ate educa­tor, sharing his wealth of knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence with the next gener­a­tion of design vision­ar­ies. He has served as a visit­ing profes­sor and guest lecturer at pres­ti­gious insti­tu­tions such as HKD Burg Giebichen­stein in Halle and ECAL in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Since 2015, Mark has been leading the way as a profes­sor for Product and Indus­trial Design at HBKsaar, nurtur­ing the talents of budding design­ers and foster­ing a culture of inno­va­tion. His commit­ment to shaping the future of design is a testa­ment to his endur­ing passion for the craft.

Mark Braun’s journey is a testa­ment to his dedi­ca­tion, creativ­ity, and relent­less pursuit of design excel­lence. With each project, he contin­ues to rede­fine the bound­aries of possi­bil­ity, leaving an indeli­ble mark on the world of design.

Designs by Mark Braun (1)