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Andrea Brugi Olive Wood Spoon — B

c. 2021

by Andrea Brugi

Andrea Brugi Olive Wood Spoon B
Brugi Olive Wood Spoon — B 

Hand-carved from ancient Tuscan olive wood, this spoon by Italian wood­worker Andrea Brugi is a true one-of-a-kind piece. Each spoon embraces the natural texture and grain of the olive tree, making it uniquely beau­ti­ful and even more charm­ing with age and use. Crafted entirely by hand in Monte­mer­ano, Tuscany, where Brugi and his Danish wife, Samina Lang­holz, have been creat­ing time­less wood­work since 2009, this spoon is a reflec­tion of their passion for crafts­man­ship and respect for nature.

Sourced from olive trees that are protected and only felled when no longer bearing fruit, the wood used in Brugi’s creations is both sustain­able and steeped in history — some trees are over 1,000 years old. Renowned for its antibac­te­r­ial prop­er­ties and dense, strik­ing grain, olive wood lends each spoon a unique pattern and remark­able dura­bil­ity. Its rich texture and dark brown hues tell the story of centuries-old trees trans­formed into func­tional, endur­ing works of art.

Perfect for every­day use or as a thought­ful gift, this hand-carved olive wood spoon embod­ies the time­less elegance of natural crafts­man­ship, designed to last for generations.

Andrea Brugi


Andrea Brugi is an artist. The husband-and-wife team behind this woodworking operation has been working out of a workshop in Tuscany, which also happens to be the birthplace of the artist, woodworker and founder Andrea Brugi. The cutting boards are made of salvaged olive trees native to this particular part of the world and come in architectural shapes with unique, unfinished edges and occasional mixed-medium flourishes.

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