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A Book of Spoons

c. 1997

Jasper morrison a book of spoon 2

A Book of Spoons by renowned British designer Jasper Morri­son is a unique explo­ration of form and func­tion, exam­in­ing one of human­i­ty’s most essen­tial tools. Published in 1997, this concep­tual book show­cases spoons and ladles from around the world, photographed from a bird’s-eye view by cele­brated British photog­ra­pher Nigel Shafran. The mini­mal­ist arrange­ment high­lights the univer­sal and time­less design of these famil­iar objects, tran­scend­ing culture and geography.

Jasper Morri­son, born in London in 1959, is one of the most influ­en­tial design­ers of our time. A grad­u­ate of Kingston School of Art, the Royal College of Art, and Berlin Univer­sity of the Arts, Morrison’s prolific career spans furni­ture, table­ware, kitchen­ware, light­ing, and public spaces. Known for his collab­o­ra­tion with Japan­ese designer Naoto Fuka­sawa on the Super Normal” project, Morrison’s work embod­ies thought­ful simplic­ity and understated elegance.

With its visu­ally strik­ing imagery and intel­lec­tual approach, A Book of Spoons invites readers to recon­sider the aesthetic and func­tional qual­i­ties of every­day objects. A first edition, this vintage paper­back serves as both a coffee table book and a time­less study of design, making it an essen­tial addi­tion for collec­tors, design enthu­si­asts, and anyone fasci­nated by the beauty of utility.

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